Advancing To Conquer Her
When you meet her, get her phone number. When you have her phone number, get a date. When you go out with her, hold her hand. When you're holding her hand, kiss her. Know what I mean? Let me list the steps a man typically has to go through to sleep with a woman.
1) Initial MeetingIn order to go from step one to ten, you will have to keep advancing. The trick to doing this is to keep working and working to get her ready for the next level. For example, if she isn't ready for a kiss, keep flirting with her till she wants one. If she doesnt want to take her bra off, sniff her neck and cuddle till she wants you to be all over her. She's worried about sex? Turn her on more with foreplay till shes begging you for it. Here's a good one. Tease her by saying, "All you have to say is please." If she says no, go back to cuddling and touching. Eventually she will be screaming YES.
2) Phone Number
3) Date
4) Hold Hands
5) Kiss
6) Cuddle
7) Touch With Shirt On
8) Hands under Shirt
9) Foreplay
10) Sex
Dont worry if you hit a few obstacles. Every time you bump into a wall, just see it as an opportunity to find out more about the girl. This is all information you can use later. See it as narrowing down a list of what she might like. Eventually you will find her sweet spot. No pun intended.