How To Not Lose Your Girlfriend

Here is how to not lose your girlfriend:

1) Don't Think Your Work Is Finished

Just because you have a girlfriend doesn't mean you will keep her. Here is a pattern that I see all the time as a dating and relationships coach:

Guy chases girl.

Guy gets girl.

Guy stops doing the things that helped him get the girl.

Guy loses girl.

Are you going to be one of these guys? I hope not!

2) Don't Ignore The Details

If you want to keep a woman, then pay attention to details. Notice the things she does and give her special attention. When she is unhappy, read between the
lines instead of just taking her word for it. Because if you ask her what's wrong, she will just say "Nothing."

It is up to you to read into the details and see why she is upset. But don't worry, it doesn't take a genius to understand women. With a little bit of
practice, you will be able to do it too.

3) Don't Stop Being A Challenge