Two Keys To Getting More Women
Secret Key #1) Go Out More
The first key is to GO OUT, GO OUT, and GO OUT some more.
It always amazes me how so many guys expect to meet women when they spend most of their time playing video games or watching television at home. How's staying at home going to improve your love life? The more you go out, the more people you will meet. And the more people you will meet, the more WOMEN you will meet, period.
I know it probably sounds like common sense. That's because it is.
And common sense WORKS!
If you don't have much of a love life right now, then I want you to go out more and meet more friends. It*WILL* help. I promise you!
Secret Key #2) The second key is to FLIRT with the girls you meet.
If you never flirt, then no matter how many girls you meet, they will just end up seeing your as their "friend." Without a romantic spark, you will NOT get anywhere with these women.
Being serious around women will NOT help you in dating. You *have* to be playful. Serious is boring, playful is fun, get it?
Good Luck!