Tips On How to Make A Relationship Last

Below are the Tips in making a relationship last a long long time:

Keep flirting with each other.

You know...a lot of people stop flirting once they're in a relationship. Since they have successfully courted each other and do not have to worry about attracting each other anymore, they stop flirting and settle down into a routine.

Big mistake.

No matter how long you've been going out with a woman - be it weeks, months, or years - it is still important to keep a romantic spark in your relationship. It doesn't matter how well you understand each other. If the attraction is gone, the relationship is going to suffer.

The couple that plays together tends to stay together, period. Isolate yourself from her romantically for an extended period of time, and the relationship will go down the drain.

By the way...

Here's a side benefit of keeping the attraction high. When the attraction is high, your partner (and you too) will be more flexible with each other - meaning there will be less fights and less arguments.

So...if you have a girlfriend or wife already, here is what I want you to do:

Don't let the romantic spark go away. Flirt with her every week.

You should also seek out new adventures together. Please don't do the boring movie and dinner every week and settle down into a "routine". Try to do something fresh and exciting once in awhile to keep the spark alive. Maybe go to the beach. Maybe go for a picnic instead of a movie. Do anything that you don't ordinarily do together and treat it as a "first date". Good Luck!

What If You Don't Have A Car

Can You Date If You Don't Have A Car?

Here's my answer: YOU'RE SCREWED!  Just kidding!

Seriously, at the end of the day, ATTRACTION is what matters. So if you don't have a car, it's okay. Even though it's an inconvenience, it's not going to stop you from getting the girls.

The trick is to act TOTALLY unapologetic about it. If the topic comes up, mention it CASUALLY without ANY shame or embarrassment.

If you act like you don't care, then the woman is not going to care either. The ONLY way she'll think you're a loser is if you act remotely embarrassed about it.

Remember, boys: As a smart Dater, you want to focus on your SKILLS! If you're good with women, they will offer you rides!  Good Luck!

When To Stop Being Persistent With Women

You should persist when a woman's ACTIONS tells you - you should keep going... and STOP when her actions show that she's not cool with it.

For example, if a woman keeps flirting with you and dating you casually even though she "says" she's not interested in a relationship, you can show some persistence and keep on going after her.

But if a woman gets MAD at you for going after her or tries to IGNORE you, then her ACTIONS are showing that she's NOT cool with it, which means you should STOP. At this point, if you act persistent and push, you will only push her AWAY from you even further.

Remember that while persistence is an attractive quality because men who persist are often the ones that succeed, if you're clearly in the negative zone, it is time to back off!

Also, you should make sure that you're doing the RIGHT things when you act persistent, because if you're not doing the right things and pushing the right button inside a woman, then the more you persist, the more you will push the woman away!
Good Luck!

How To Lead And Command A Woman

The key to "leading" a woman is to "make up her mind for her". Here's the truth: even though most of us cry about wanting freedom for ourselves, we actually want other people to make decisions for us. (This way, we don't have to accept responsibility for our own actions.)

A lot of business people know this, and that's why they often don't give you many choices when you buy something. Studies have shown that the more choices you offer a consumer, the harder it will be to make the sale because the person will have trouble "making the decision".

The same principle applies to dating. The more choices you offer a woman, the more confused she will be. The more firm you are about something you've already picked out for her, the more likely she'll go along with it.

For example, let's say you are trying to get a woman to have one more drink because you think it will help her relax. However, she's not sure if she can have another drink.

You could give her a choice and ask her if she would like to have another drink. She'll probably say no.


You could you visualize her laughing and acting happy once she has gulped down the drink. Then you say, "Come on, baby, just have the shot. I know you can do it." Then before she can react, follow through with action by handing her the shot glass. Finally, command her by saying "drink it". If you use the right voice tone, 9 out of 10 times the woman will obey you and have the shot. (Note: I don't encourage you getting women drunk. I am just using this common scenario as an example.)

The key here is to be sincere, direct, and authoritative. If you use a "funny voice", the woman will "play along" and show you resistance just for the sake of giving resistance. If you use a nervous voice, she will think that it is wrong to have the drink. Finally, if you sound too smooth, she will think that you're "trying something" and build up her defenses as a result.

To have the correct voice tone when you command a woman to do something, think of yourself as her protector - someone who just KNOWS what's good for her. Going back to the drinks example, think about how much more relaxed she will feel once she has finished the drink. Or if you're trying to get a woman in bed, think about how good she will be feeling when she's crying out your name in bed. Always think about what SHE will get instead of what you would like to get from here. Think about HER end state instead of your own.

With a bit of practice, you can use this skill on men as well. Once you have mastered the ability to encourage other men to try doing things they wouldn't normally do on their own, you will find yourself becoming an alpha male with an ever increasing pack of followers! Good Luck!

Technique for Creating a Bond with a Woman

This is a very simple technique for creating a bond with a woman at a first meeting.
Instead of focusing on the facts, focus on the feelings.

For example, if you talk about what you like to do ("I like to ski..."), talk about your feelings about the things you like to do. ("Skiing in the winter is so much fun. You get to go away with friends at a cabin somewhere and have a great time"...)

The same technique also applies to listening. Instead of just nodding or saying "That's very cool" when a woman talks about herself, become part of the conversation by searching for the "feeling words" within the conversation and commenting on them.

For example, of a woman talks about animals, you can say, "Yeah. Animals are really great little companions aren't they. I laugh all the time when I play with my dog."

While this tip may sound very simple and short, it is one of the useful skills you can have to be "good with people." With a little bit of practice, you can put anyone at ease with this technique!
Good Luck!