How To Deal With Rejection and Failure

Teaser 3: Will you melt, if I stare at you?
8 Tips On How To Deal With Rejection and Failure

When you first go out to practice the dating techniques you read here in this blog, you're bound to hear a few "no's" from the women you meet. (Actually, this is an ongoing process. You will never have a 100% success rate.) So here are a couple of ways to make the rejections easier to take and more valuable to you.

1) Disassociate yourself.

Look at the rejection as an event, not as a rejection of your inner core. Think in "third-person" as if you're watching a movie.

2) Think about "why".

Think about why the woman rejected you. Think back on your actions. Were you being too pushy? Did you not build up enough chemistry before you asked for a date? Try to locate any potential blindspots.

3) Learn from it.

Learn from your mistakes and try to improve each time. If you improve just a tiny bit each time, you'll improve a lot in the long run!

4) Try In A New Environment

If you feel like a certain environment may be holding your back, try the following: Take your practices to a new environment and see if you get different results.

For example, if the nightclub setting does like work for you, try taking a few dance classes, and so on.

5) Hang Out With A More Successful Person

How do you get smarter? By hanging out with smarter people! They'll be able to point out your mistakes when you make them.

One of the best ways to get really good at something is to get active feedback from someone who is already good at it. It's like playing sports. If you constantly play against opponents that are stronger than you, you will learn faster than if you constantly play against opponents who are not as good as you.

6) Make New Connections In Your Mind

Take the time to organize your new thoughts and ideas. Make connections between different topics and ideas that weren't there before. You don't really get something until you can see all the connections! Ask yourself questions such as, "How does flirting fit into building attraction?"

7) Take a Break If Necessary

If you feel like you are hitting the same wall over and over, then take a small break so you have time to recharge. The more you push when you're already frustrated, the more resistance you will build. Sometimes when you take a small break and then come back, you will find the obstacles will have disappeared on its own.

8) Take the Time to Learn'

It is hard to bounce back from failure if you don't even have a direction. That is why it is very important to pick up the knowledge you need to be successful. Instead of learning everything through your own mistakes, try to learn everything through other people's mistakes.

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