4 Important Keys To Having A Great Relationship
1) Character
It doesn't matter how much you love the person. A relationship with someone with bad character is going to be extra tough. Expect tons of drama and be prepared to be drained emotionally.
If you want a relationship free of relationship drama, then don't go out with the wrong person in the first place!
2) Personal Space
No matter how addicted you are with your partner at the moment, make sure you give them sufficient breathing room. Otherwise, the more you try to keep them within an arm's reach, the more you will push them away.
3) Quality Romance Time
No matter how long you've been together, you still have to spend some quality romance time together. If you never do anything fun and romantic, the chemistry will eventually die and it won't be long before the relationship falters too.
Don't use lack of time as an excuse. Life is about priorities. If you aren't willing to put the time and energy to make your relationship work, then don't cry when you lose it one day.
4) Romantic Respect
Lastly, a relationship without proper romantic respect will die over time. This is why you should never totally stop acting like a bit of a challenge - even if you have been together for twenty years. If your partner loses romantic respect with you, it'll only be a matter of time before the relationship goes down the tube as well!
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