The Effective Way To Get A Girl To Go To Your Place
How hard is it to convince a woman to come to your place?
Not hard at all.
In fact, I'd say it's EASY.
The key is to TEMPT her with a reason. Over the years, it was discovered that the best temptation is not your art collection, your CD's, your Star Wars figures ( hide them all!), or your goldfish tank...but...
Let a woman know that you're a GREAT chef, and she's going to rush over to your place for food and dessert.
Here's what you do:
Next time you talk to a woman, bring up the subject of good food. Talk about classy dishes that you have tried cooking at home. Drop a few names in French, Italian, or Spanish. Then talk about the special desserts in those cultures. Describe the sensations of all the glorious food in detail.
Then just when the woman is salivating, tell her you're going to experiment with a new dish the next weekend and invite her to come over and try it.
Then divert her attention by telling her that there is one condition: she is going to have to dress up if she's going to come over for a proper dinner. See the subtle psychological trick? Now instead of thinking about whether she should accept your offer or not, she's thinking about how she can impress you by wearing a nice dress. (A dress that you're going to rip off after dinner anyway).
Have fun!
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